
I’m not sure what the future holds or even what path I’ll take to meet it but I do know some things and I wanted to share a few of them in no particular order:

  • I am immensely grateful for the support and encouragement I’ve gotten from my friends and family. I could have made it here without it but I don’t know if I would have. Thank you.  
  • I have made huge progress in controlling my anxiety instead of it controlling me. I have a lot of people to thank for this but Britney my therapist for a year and a half was a huge help (big surprise lol). Thank you for what you’ve given and what you’ve yet to give.  
  • I am so much happier in my day to day life than I’ve been in a long time. Life isn’t easy and I still have rough days and stressful moments but they are tempered by the joy I have and the friends that help to create joy.  
  • I will never get over or forgive some things in the past but they shouldn’t be an anchor they should be a guide for where not to go and what not to do.  
  • This is not the end; much of the story is yet to be written.